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Showing posts with label MMO. Show all posts

Make money passively with Honeygain | Earn money online with Honeygain

Honeygain: Is it worth it?

Earning money passively is always a good thing and while there are many sources of passive income most have a high barrier of entry to the point if you can buy into that income you likely do not need it anyway.

Honeygain is a passive earner that you can install on your computer or mobile (no virtual machines or data centres however which is something I will touch on later) with the idea that it uses your Internet connection to download and upload which in exchange they credit your account.

Simple right? Well, what they are downloading is not known but here is what their website has to say about it.

How truthful this is honestly something I am unable to say as reading between the lines kinda suggests that they are using your connection to access websites to browse them in different countries and operating systems (which would suggest why Windows and Android have different earnings from experience) and what they do on those websites is anyone’s guess but I do stress this is something that we can’t find out ourselves and I am leaving it out in the open so people understand that there may be a risk to doing this.

Anyhow, I distress away from the main point of this article which is whether Honeygain is worth it and does it pays out. I can only speak about this from a United Kingdom IP address but on average I got around 4GB a day with some days being lower and other days being far higher and as of the day of writing this (22 November 2019) I have reached the needed amount to be able to cash out

If you are wondering how long this took, here are some figures. I signed up for the service without any referral link on the 9th of October, 2019 and it is now the 22 of November, 2019 which means it took me forty-four days to be able to reach the needed amount.

I have been running this on my main computer (which I use for gaming and video editing) which is not left on all day. I have also been running this on a Windows 10 Tablet which was used a couple of hours a day. Lastly, I have run it on an Android phone which for most intent and purposes was on all day although not so surprisingly it was the lowest earner of the three devices. Every device was on the same IP address.

According to their FAQ, it is better to have each device on different networks and I am tempted to see how well it works with setting up the Linx tablet and an Android tablet connected to BT Openzone and see if that fares any differently.

Still to answer the overall question – yes it does earn money but I am not yet aware if it pays out as I am now waiting for the PayPal transaction. At the start of this experiment, I was only running it on my PC and Android phone and it wasn’t until a week or two later that I decided to add my Windows tablet to the poll. I imagine if I left all the devices to run all day and night it is possible I would have earned the needed payout far faster but that is something I can not comment on.

I have a feeling that many people who will use Honeygain are likely installing it on a work PC which they never turn off where they do not need to worry about power costs but if I do the maths based on the minimum payout and how long I been doing it for (so $20 divided by 44 days) it comes to $0.45 a day so about £0.35 a day as of writing this. Compare that to the fact it cost a couple of quid a month to run my PC and it is worth it as long as it is always downloading. This does not include the fact both of my tablets are already connected via a USB cable doing other stuff.

I will update this further should I get paid for this one, if I get paid a second time, and this time I think I will try my Windows Tablet and an Android Tablet connected to a battery bank and leave it running all day and night and see how much they earn.

If you are interested in signing up, please do think about signing up using my affiliate link: Honeygain Sign up!

Update – 28/11/2019

I promised I would update this depending on if Honeygain paid out or not and I am pleased to say they have paid me a couple of days ago but something does feel slightly weird about it. I never noticed they paid me as I was expecting a payment from Honeygain but in fact, I got it from a person called Danny. 


Overall I can confirm it does payout and it looks like I am about a quarter of the way to the next payout which I will update further should I reach it.

Update – 25/12/2019

So just under a month later, I hit the needed amount to cash out. This time around I only kept my Windows PC on for half of the day and my Window tablet on overnight while my Android phone was on all day.

On average I found I was around 6 GB during the month but quite often I had times where I barely had a single gigabyte which I am not sure if is due to Honeygain or not.

I am only going to update this one more with the next payment but from what I can see from the foreseeable future Honeygain is going to pay out but I would not set up a mobile farm by buying new hardware.

I can confirm furthermore that I have been paid for last month but once again I see a problem and that is it doesn’t seem to be paid via Honeygain themselves and am worried now there will be a chargeback in future as I got a feeling these payments may come from hacked PayPal accounts.

I am going to leave the email address above and if it is you or if you come across this email please let me know and I will update you. I am going to leave it for one more month and check but if you have been paid via Honeygain please get in touch.

Update – 1/05/2020

I promised I would update you when I next reached the payout and you may have noticed something and that is it has taken over four months to reach it this time whereas otherwise, it has always been monthly.

I have been running the same setup with my Linx 1010b always on and even with some CDN traffic in there (which take it from me uses a heck of a lot of bandwidth a day). I’m not sure if I am going to carry on using Honeygain anymore as while it is still passive money it is taking far too long when I could now use my tablet for other usages.

I will update once I get paid but beyond that, this article isn’t going to get updated again unless something major happens. Would I recommend you use it? If you got the bandwidth spare I say go for it!

Update – 30/07/2020

Honestly, I was not going to update this article again but I thought it would be interesting to post an update on Honeygain during the current pandemic.

The first thing that is worth saying is it took about three months to reach the next payout and I think this is mostly due to my Linx 1010b tablet dying on me thus I no longer earn via the CDN feature which I think was the main reason I was gaining honey so fast.

For now, I have it on an old tablet and my phone and I will update once more if I earn anything further but I think Honeygain will now start taking half a year or beyond with my current setup to earn anything.

Update – 19/11/2020

This will be my final update and it is not a good one. I have decided to stop using Honeygain for ultimately three reasons. The first reason and one many will say about is it is no longer worth it due to the small payout. The second reason is the data used by Honeygain seems to be FAR higher compared to what it is paying you out. I have had it recorded using 1GB and using close to 5-6GB.

Lastly, it is causing major issues when browsing the web. I understand it is a VPN service but when it gets to the point so many websites are blocking me, Cloudflare keeps asking me to confirm I ain’t a bot it just gets tiring. I would keep it on 4G if it paid for itself and more but it doesn’t.

Would I recommend it now? No.

Update – 13/3/2021

Seems this isn’t my final update but something I will share. If you are reading this article you will have seen above that I always felt that Honeygain is a VPN service for other people and that I had problems with websites blocking me – a typical sign of things like a botnet and such and it seems on Honeygain’s subreddit people are posting about the same thing.

I can not back up these claims but it is worth reading: attacks on Sony by Honeygain.

Update – 25/06/2021

The company behind Honeygain few months back did confirm the Sony DDoS attack and explained how it happened. Overall Honeygain does payout and is legit for what it is which is a VPN rental service if you are okay with that you will earn money over time and is worth it.

Thanks for reading!

Best selling books

Earn Money Online With Honeygain [Free PDF]

 Earn Money Online With Honeygain

How To Earn?

Earn Money Online With Honeygain [Free PDF]

  1. Earn Money Online With Honeygain – How To Earn?
  2. Honeygain Tutorial: 3 Honeygain Tricks to Earn MORE Money
  3. Honeygain Review, Tutorial & Explained: Scam or Legit?
  4. What Is Honeygain and Is It Legit?
  5. HoneyGain Review 2021: Earn Passive Income Doing Nothing
  6. Best tips and tricks you must know about Honeygain to maximize your earning.
  7. What is a moderate web connection? Lets find out.
  8. HoneyGain Review: Monetize Your Internet Connection, But Should You?
  9. Ultimate guide to earning $100 a month with Honeygain
  10. Earn Passive Income With HoneyGain
  11. Guide: Honeygain, A Passive Earner
  12. Earn Money by Sharing your Internet Connection on HoneyGain
  13. Priority on Desktop computers over Mobile devices

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Earn Money With Honeygain

What Is Honeygain? Is It Legit?
How It Works and What You Need to Know

Honeygain lets you share your internet bandwidth and get paid for it. Here's what you need to know.

Do you have an unlimited access data plan? Or do you have lots of unused data that simply expires at the end of the month? If you want to earn money from your extra, unused data, then why not share it with others for a few bucks?

Here's how you can do that with Honeygain and some other tools.

* What Is Honeygain?

Honeygain is an app that allows companies to use your connection. Businesses can use your internet through Honeygain's proxy network for various uses.

So, for every 10 MB of data you share, you'll earn 1 credit. To get paid, you need to save 20,000 credits, which equates to $20. So, Honeygain pays you $1 per 10 GB of data used. The company also pays six credits per hour that content delivery is active (we'll come to that later

Honeygain Use Cases

Companies need a lot of bandwidth for legitimate and ethical purposes. Here are some examples:
Ad Verification

In 2020, companies spent at least $332 billion on digital ads. By 2024, that's expected to grow up to $526 billion. With the amount spent on digital ads, companies need to ensure their ad spend isn't wasted.

Ad verification helps companies track their ads. They use Honeygain's network to look through petabytes of data online. Through the proxy network, those companies can track their ads. They can ensure the advertising agency displays its ads correctly on a legitimate site.
Brand Protection

Counterfeit items have always been a problem–and it has expanded along with the growth of eCommerce. That's why major brands need to trawl the internet continuously to fight back.

However, doing this requires tremendous amounts of resources. You would need servers, gigabit internet, and more. Smaller brands and businesses cannot afford this.

With Honeygain, they don't have to invest millions of dollars of hardware and expertise. They can protect their business by using the app's extensive network at a fraction of the price.

Content Delivery

Businesses sometimes need to crawl the internet for bandwidth-intensive data. These include images, videos, and audio, among others. They do this either for research, data collection, or even intellectual property protection.

However, some websites use geo-blocking, which prevents access to users based in specific locations. So, if a company based in Japan wants to check a website hosted in the US, they can't do that if Japanese users are blocked.

To get around this, companies use Honeygain's network to access blocked pages. They can then use the high-bandwidth capacity of content delivery to trawl large files.

It's also for this reason that content delivery is a special function available only to desktop and laptop users. You must have a consistent internet speed of at least 10 MBPS to run this service in the background.
Price Comparison

Many eCommerce platforms, like ticketing websites, vary their prices according to your location. For example, if you're based in New York City, you'll probably pay more on airfare from JFK to Rome compared to someone from Charlotte.

Price comparison websites use Honeygain's worldwide network to find the best prices. By comparing prices from different parts of the world, you can get the best offer, even if you're based in NYC.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Campaigns

Nearly 20 percent of website traffic comes from search engine results. That's why companies are always on the lookout for data that will improve their SEO strategies.

To get accurate data, companies need to gather them from different areas. With Honeygain's global network, they can get geolocated data in specific regions. This lets them understand local trends and tailor their websites based on localized data.

* Is Honeygain Legit and Safe?

Whenever a company or an app offers us money in exchange for resources, we're always suspicious of them. Are they really doing what they say they're doing? Are they using your system's resources for nefarious purposes?

According to Honeygain, everything they do is above-board and with your knowledge. But when it comes to security, it's good if you take everything with a grain of salt.

By checking process logs and data use, you can verify that the app isn't using your hardware. This makes it different from crypto miners, which need system resources to run.

When signing up for the service, Honeygain only needs your email and nothing else. And when it comes to payouts, it's handled by a trusted third-party party, Tipalti. The app doesn't gather your data at all.

They even have an independent Data Protection Officer (DPO) onboard their team. The DPO ensures that the company complies with GDPR, CCPA, and other privacy regulations.
Is Honeygain Ethical?

Based on the company website, Honeygain claims they only work with well-known and respectable companies. They also said that they approve each use case individually. So, even if they're existing customers of Honeygain, each new use case needs approval.

Honeygain also says that they continuously check all activities in their network. This ensures that their system isn't used for harmful actions, and they can keep Honeygain users safe worldwide.

However, Honeygain doesn't publish the companies they work with. That is understandable due to business confidentiality. But, it would be better for network providers to know who they're working with. Furthermore, the option to opt-out of a client, if the user isn't comfortable with them, would be a welcome addition.

* How Much Can You Make With Honeygain?

Earning varies between different regions. It all depends on your area and the current demand. Some places with high demand (between 2 and 3 GB per day) will let you earn up to $10/month. However, other locations could barely go through 8 GB per month.

If you're in a high-demand location and run the app on ten devices with different networks 24/7, you can make up to $67/month.

* Controlling What You Give

If you install Honeygain on your smartphone, you control how much monthly data to allocate. You can go to the app settings to set the data you can share. Make sure you don't go overboard with your monthly plan to avoid incurring extra charges!

When you install the app on your computer, it doesn't have data limits. So if you're on a metered home network, it's best to run this on your Android phone instead.

The app also takes about 5 percent of battery life on your phone since it's running in the background. If you need to save power, you can always turn it off in the settings.

* Alternatives to Honeygain

Aside from Honeygain, there are two other similar services. PacketStream and IPRoyal allow you to rent your bandwidth to their customers. PacketStream pays the same amount as Honeygain, while IPRoyal pays double at $0.20 per GB.

Honeygain and IPRoyal both offer an Android app, while PacketStream can only be run on the desktop. However, the best thing about these services is that they're non-exclusive. You can sign up and run all three at the same time to maximize your passive earning.

* Earn Extra Money From Unused Data

Honeygain isn't a big money-making app. It's there to let your earn small amounts over long periods. You only need to set it up once and then let it do its job in the background.

Don't spend on computers, phones, and internet plans for Honeygain. You won't recoup your investment. But if you want a surprise cup of coffee every month or so, then go and install this app.

Read more:

  1. Earn Money Online With Honeygain – How To Earn?

  2. Honeygain Tutorial: 3 Honeygain Tricks to Earn MORE Money

  3. Honeygain Review, Tutorial & Explained: Scam or Legit?

  4. What Is Honeygain and Is It Legit?

  5. HoneyGain Review 2021: Earn Passive Income Doing Nothing

  6. Best tips and tricks you must know about Honeygain to maximize your earning.

  7. HoneyGain Review: Monetize Your Internet Connection, But Should You?

  8. Ultimate guide to earning $100 a month with Honeygain

  9. Earn Passive Income With HoneyGain

  10. Guide: Honeygain, A Passive Earner

  11. Earn Money by Sharing your Internet Connection on HoneyGain

  12. 11 Proven Ways to Increase Your Earnings using HoneyGain app

Good lucky!